excentric underplay

excentric underplay


viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Future Colors of America A new artistic movement Collaborative works by: Albert Reyes, Matt Furie, & Aiyana Udesen fusion of modern graffiti and pop-surrealism , they started a new artistic movement( an emphasis on horror, Lindsay Lohan, and naked ladies....) For a movement to begin, to take shape, and to grow, it all needs, to some degree to occur organically. The shape of a city, the signs of the times, the influences we all are suspect to, come together at the right place and the right time and before you know it, several people are expressing themselves in original, yet similar ways. The Future Colors of America, the trifecta consisting of Albert Reyes (who now lives in LA), Matt Furie, and Aiyana Udesen, have created their own illustrative voice, a worldview who's origins are seemingly found uniquely in San Francisco (Jay Howell, Ferris Plock, and Porous Walker spring to mind as well), that is expressed with a DIY sensibility, illustrative aesthetic, and fuck-all attitude who's charmingly hilarious pop commentary is indicative of something I don't feel comfortable defining, but goddammit, I like it. Samoamax

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